Tag Archives: seed arts

Fall approacheth, so it goes


Here is a pic from Lo-Fi:

Great photo by Cindy Apple.(c) 2011 www.cindapple.com


We are performing Perseus again soon at the Rainier Beach Art Walk on Sept 17, thanks to SEED Arts Seattle and 4Culture Site Specific. The event happens from 11 to 3 that day and we don’t have times yet, but will let you know.

Then, on Sept 29 at 6pm, we will be performing scenes from domestic variations in the Nord Alley in Pioneer Square as part of Alley-Up!, presented by the Alley Network Project. We’re excited about that for a couple of reasons. 1) Because it’s a really cool event. 2)Because it’s being shot by Goldie Jones for a web vid about us by Subversionz Media and 3) Because Jill and I will be joined in the air by the remarkable Sage Cushman, Seattle newcomer and recent graduate of the National Institute of Circus Arts in Australia. Whew! So come on out and see what happens when we set up our apartment in an alley.

We have more news brewing and some traveling on the horizon (hello major fundraising), but that’s all for now. We are interested to see how the rehearsal process with Sage shapes up and excited about bringing her on board for this show. And don’t worry, Bridget is still around. 🙂

Ok now Liza, go to bed…

xo. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz